What have you dreamed of always being

able to create artistically but never thought possible?

Jenny offers one-on-one lessons for students looking to take their drawing or watercolor painting to the next level. She tailors your individual lessons to your specific needs and what your goals are in your artistic journey. Each student has their own areas of strength and weakness that may be difficult to find on their own. It helps to have a second set of eyes to shed light on specific areas thoughtfully and encouragingly. Jenny would love to work with you to achieve the skills necessary to create the artwork you've dreamed of. Contact her today to start your one-of-a-kind journey. 

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your one-on-one art lesson

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I decide I do not want to take the course after I purchase it?

If, within 21 days of the purchase date, you decide you do not wish to take the art lesson, please contact me for a full refund. If you do not contact me within the 21-day window and your lesson was after that time, you can reschedule your lesson for another date agreed upon by both Jenny and yourself to ensure you get your art lesson. For example, you have your lesson for sometime in March and your schedule it in January. Then, at the end of February, you decide that you have an issue with the date; Jenny will work with you to find a date that works better for both of you. 

How do I schedule my lesson?

Upon purchasing your one-on-one art lesson, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your lesson. We can determine a time that works for both our schedules.

What types of mediums does Jenny work with and teach?

Jenny works predominately in colored pencil and watercolor paints. She also occasionally works in graphite pencil and has an excellent working knowledge of this medium. Acrylic and oil paints are not her preferred medium, but she has worked in each of these; she has learned a fair amount of information and skill to render successful artworks. Jenny believes her strongest medium to date is colored pencils. She offers Artfully Made Co her most comprehensive course to date in creating realistic portraits with this medium for those who are serious about pursuing this art form. If you don't know if Jenny is familiar with a particular medium, please feel free to message her to see if she has any experience. Or if she can point in the direction of someone who does know.

Can I purchase a one-on-one art lesson more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of additional art lessons, simply purchase the 1:1 art lesson (1 hour) again.